Sebastien Goulard


Research topics






Goulard, Sebastien (2024). Assessing the impact of the European Union-Indonesia-Malaysia palm oil dispute on trade and limitations for settlement. The EUrASEANs: Journal on Global Socio-Economic Dynamics, 4(47), pp.46-55. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2021). The RCEP and the European Union’s commercial strategy in Asia. Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Volume 6 No 3, pp.369-376. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2020). A New Silk road in the Pacific? Outre-Terre. The Pacific in the ‘Asian Century, Vol. 58-59, no. 1-2, pp. 183-197. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2020). The Impact of the US–China Trade War on the European Union. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2019, April 26). Face aux nouvelles routes de la Soie (Facing the new silk roads). Le Grand Continent. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2018, December). L’Inde et l’OTAN: quel partenariat? (India and NATO, what partnership?), Outre-terre, Nouvelle Delhi?, Vol. 54-55, pp. 318-329. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2018, December).  L’Inde face aux nouvelles routes de la Soie (India and the new Silk roads). Outre-terre. Nouvelle Delhi?, Vol. 54-55, pp. 289-305. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2017). L’Europe nouvelle destination des migrants du Bangladesh (Europe, a new destination for migrants from Bangladesh). Outre-Terre, Vol.52, no.3, pp. 197-208. Retrieved

Goulard, Sébastien (2017). Les routes de la Soie, un projet pour le monde (The new Silk roads, a project for the world). Outre-Terre, Vol.50, no.1, pp. 349-368. Retrieved from

Goulard Sébastien (2016). Brexit: La Chine entre opportunités et incertitudes (Brexit: China between opportunities and uncertainties). Outre-Terre, Vol.49, no.4, pp. 399-415. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2016). Casinos in Asia: Legalizing Gambling in the Chinese Province of Hainan, the Ideological Obstacle. The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, Vol.10, no.1, pp.1-13. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2016, February 14). Les réactions sociales face aux défis environnementaux en Chine (Social reactions to environmental challenges in China). Géoconfluences. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2011). The Challenges of Tourism Diversification, the Role of Local Governments: the Case of the Chinese Province of Hainan. International Journal of Culture and Tourism Research, 4(1), December, pp.61-72.

Book chapters

Goulard, S. (2022). “Guerre  russo-ukrainienne : la Russie, l’ami encombrant de Beijing ?” (Russo-Ukrainian war: Russia, Beijing’s cumbersome friend?) in Michel Korinman (ed.), Le nouveau rideau de fer (The new iron curtain), Paris: David Reinharc Éditions.

Goulard S. (2021). “Europe and the US-China Confrontation in the Indo-Pacific”, in Jaiswal P., Bhatt D.P. (eds), Rebalancing Asia, Singapore: Springer,

Ai, Chi-Han, M. Elosua and S. Goulard (2015). “Snail without a shell: migrant workers’ difficult path toward urban housing”, in François Gipouloux (ed.),  China’s urban century governance, environment and socio-economic imperatives,  Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Book reviews

Book review of “Griffiths, R. and A. Hughes (eds.) (2021). In the way of the Road: The Ecological Consequences of Infrastructure. Leiden: ‎IIAS”. In OBOReurope, 10 July 2021. Retrieved from

Book review of “Barnier, Michel (2021). La grande illusion: journal secret du Brexit (2016-2020) (The Great Illusion: Secret Journal of Brexit). Paris: Gallimard”. In PARC, July 2021. Retrieved from

Book review of “Ye, M. (2020). The Belt Road and Beyond: State-Mobilized Globalization in China: 1998-2018. Cambridge University Press”. In OBOReurope, 29 April 2021. Retrieved from

Book review of “Kashmeri, Sarwar, A. (2019). China’s Grand Strategy ; Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy. Santa Barbara, Ca : Praeger”. In OBOReurope, 19 July 2019. Retrieved from

Book review (in French) of “O’Donnell, Mary Ann et al. (ed.) (2017). Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post-Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City. Chicago: Chicago University Press”. In Carnets du Centre Chine, 19 April 2017. Retrieved from

Book review (in French) of “Rithmire, Meg (2015). Land Bargains and Chinese Capitalism: The Politics of Property Rights under Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press” in Le Monde Diplomatique, February 2016, p.24, accessed at

Conference proceedings

Goulard, Sebastien (2013). La province de Hainan, les politiques environnementales comme facteur d’intégration et leur contrôle par le Centre (The province of Hainan, environmental policies as a factor in integration and their control by Central authorities). In Philippe Josserand and Françoise Le Jeune (eds.), La Marge. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 147-58.

Goulard Sebastien (2012). Mediterranean islands and the challenge of innovation: learning from the case of the Chinese province of Hainan. ICHSS 2012, Tirana, Books of Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp.129-34. Retrievd from

Working papers

Elosua, M., Gipouloux, F., Goulard, S., Li, S. & Ni, P. (2013, November). Urbanisation in China: The impact of the tax-sharing system and the definitions of new strategies. UrbaChina working paper, no.1. Paris: CNRS. Retrieved from

Non academic articles

Goulard, Sebastien (2023, August 19). Italy’s Departure From the Belt and Road Initiative: Deception and New Strategy. The Geopolitics. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2021, August 21). Does the Belt and Road Have a Future in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan? The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2020, August 14). Belt Road Initiative projects and tenders opening the BRI to non Chinesecompanies. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2020, March 29). Armenian Virtual Bridge a gateway to Silicon Valley and beyond. Caucasia Asia Center. Retrieved from

Goulard,Sebastien (2019, March 20). Italy on the New Silk Roads Beyond the Announcement. The Geopolitics. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2018, November 9). New Caledonia: Moving Beyond the Independence Debate. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2018, January 13). France and China’s Green Silk Roads. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2017, December). Les nouvelles stratégies commerciales de la Chine (China’s new trade strategies), ISEMAR Briefing note no.195. Retrieved fromèse-195-Les-nouvelles-stratégies-commerciales-de-la-Chine.pdf.

Goulard, Sebastien (2017, September 7). French Polynesia at the Chinese Crossroads. The Diplomat. Retrived from

Goulard, Sebastien (2017, March 6). France, Italy, and China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sebastien (2016, December 3). France’s Presidential Elections: The Need for a China Agenda. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Goulard, Sébastien (2016, March). Hainan, espace touristique et stratégique (Hainan, a strategic and tourist region). In Sébastien Colin (ed.). La Chine puissance maritime. Mappe. Paris, éditions Ateliers Henry Dougier.

Regional development policies in a Chinese peripheral region: the case of Hainan province

Ph.D. dissertation (in French), EHESS, Paris, 2014


China suffers from strong regional inequalities in terms of development. To fight against this imbalance, the central government has launched several regional campaigns. In spite of these efforts, regional inequalities persist. This thesis aims to study the regional development of one of China’s peripheral regions in the context of transition. Long marginalized, policies have now been implemented in Hainan to transform the province into an international tourism destination by 2020. This study focuses on the relations between the different actors involved in this plan, and reveals that these regional policies will not put an end to the peripheral status of Hainan. The province is no longer isolated thanks to heavy investment in infrastructure, but these measures have increased the influence of the central government on the island, and Hainan remains a highly strategic frontier region in the eyes of Beijing.

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